Editor’s Note: Mammut, a UIAA Safetly Label holder issued a recall of its RescYou Crevasse Rescue Device 20 January 2014. For a list of other recalls and UIAA Safety Label holders please visit the UIAA Certified Equipment and Recall database.
RescYou Crevasse Rescue Device recalled by Mammut due to risk of injury
On January 20th, 2014 Mammut issued a recall of the RescYou crevasse rescue tool, from batches 12/12 and 3/13. The RescYou is used for ski mountaineering and mountain climbing to allow the user to haul a climber who has fallen into a crevasse back to the surface of a glacier.
The RescYou consists of two toothed-cam rope-grabs connected by a length of cord threaded through pulleys to achieve a mechanical advantage hauling system. On some units the toothed cam blocking the orange pull-cord was produced incorrectly resulting in difficulty managing the haul system, and must be replaced. If a problem RescYou is used the user may need to hold the pull-cord tight with one hand while pulling the climbing rope through the device with their other hand resulting in reduced efficiency and possibly delaying a rescue, which could result in injury or death to the fallen climber.
The following possibilities are available for returning the product:
1. Send your Mammut “RescYou” from production batches 12/12 & 03/13 to our Customer Service
For customers in Switzerland For customers in and outside of the European Union: the European Union:
Mammut Sports Group AG Mammut Sports Group GmbH
Rückruf RescYou Rückruf RescYou
Birren 5 Mammut-Basecamp 1
CH-5703 Seon D 87787 Wolfertschwenden
2. Return the “RescYou” to your Mammut dealer. The dealer will then handle the return
procedure for you.
Mammut will send customers who return their “RescYou” a letter of confirmation indicating the delivery date of the replacement product. This service is provided free of charge. The cost of carriage will also be reimbursed. Mammut Sports Group apologizes to its customers for the fact that the provision of replacement products will take a little time. Mammut has set up a hotline for any further questions:
Email address: rescyou@mammut.ch
Tel: +41 (0)62 769 82 59 (during office opening hours)
Please also note the answers to the attached list of frequently asked questions.
If you have a Mammut Resc in North America that you think may be affected, complete information can be found at www.Mammut.com or in the USA and and Canada by calling (800) 451-5127, between 9am and 5pm Eastern time, Monday through Friday, or by email to info@mammutusa.com
Only batch numbers 12/12 and 3/13 are included in this recall. The batch number is etched into the side of the Blue rope grab. Batch numbers other than 12/12 and 3/13 are not included in this recall. If the batch number printed on the RescYou you have matches either of the images below, discontinue use of your RescYou and contact Mammut immediately.
If you have a recalled device you will be provided with a free shipping label to return it, and a replacement will be sent to you at
no cost.
For questions or to arrange recall replacement, contact:
In the US & Canada:
Mammut Sports Group, Inc
458 Hurricane Lane, Ste 111
Williston, VT 05495
(800) 451-5127
Frequently asked questions:
Why are the batches in question being recalled?
During a regular internal quality check, Mammut identified that in some products in batches 12/12 & 03/13, the teeth of the orange cam that blocks the pull-cord are not aggressive enough. As a result, when the pulley is activated, the cord is not locked under body weight necessitating the user hold the pull-cord by hand while simultaneously pulling the climbing rope through the lower ascender in order
to use the device. The correct functioning of a “RescYou” affected by this problem is therefore not guaranteed and it might be difficult or even not be possible to perform a rescue operation following a fall into a crevasse using an affected device.
Why are Mammut “RescYou” devices with other batch numbers not included in this recall?
One component in the affected production batches 12/12 & 03/13 does not meet specifications. All earlier production batches with the numbers 03/12, 05/12, 06/12 and 09/12 have been tested for the critical component and function properly. Customers can therefore continue to use products with batch numbers 03/12, 05/12, 06/12 and 09/12 in accordance with the operating instructions.
How will my returned “RescYou” be replaced?
Contact Mammut for instructions on returning your device and to record your contact details. Once your returned “RescYou” with batch number 12/12 or 03/13 has been received by our Customer Service, Mammut will ship you a replacement RescYou at no charge as soon as it is available.
How long will it take to replace the “RescYou”?
Due to the need to produce new parts, replacement devices will begin to ship to consumers in mid-March 2014. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes, we are working as hard to ensure properly functioning replacement devices are provided as quickly as possible.
Will my shipping cost be reimbursed?
Yes. In the US and Canada Mammut will send you a prepaid shipping label so you can simply box it and label it and you will incur no charge. In other countries you will be reimbursed for any costs incurred.
How can I tell that my replacement product or a product that is still sold by dealers is not affected?
If the product has a batch number different from 12/12 or 03/13 on the blue rope clamp then it is not affected by this problem and functions properly.
Can I continue using my “RescYou”? What happens if I don’t want to return my product?
NO! You are urgently advised not to continue using products from batches 12/12 & 03/13 because their correct function cannot be ensured. Although it may be “possible” to use, the function will be more difficult than intended, which could in the worst case result in difficulty or outright inability to use the device in an emergency.
About the UIAA Safety Commission
The UIAA Safety Commission is made up national delegates from alpine clubs, manufacturers who submit to the UIAA Safety Standard and UIAA laboratories which conduct safety tests on behalf of the commission. The commission maintains a database of certified equipment and recalls.The UIAA was founded in 1932 and has 80 member associations in 50 countries representing about 2.9 million people.