Featured, General Assembly, UIAA

In October 2020, the second term of UIAA President Frits Vrijlandt will end. After eight years, the current President will leave office according to the UIAA Articles of Association (AoA) that permit a maximum of two terms of four years.

The election of a new UIAA President will take place on 24 October 2020, inline with the UIAA Articles of Association (AoA). The electing body is the UIAA General Assembly.

According to the UIAA AoA, member federations are entitled to nominate candidates.

For UIAA Member Federation Presidents
Please distribute to find and nominate potential candidates.

For Candidates
Leading the “Global Mountain Network” as UIAA President is a privilege and an honour. Please submit your curriculum vitae, your motivation letter and the signed nomination form before 14 August 2020, via email to: office@theuiaa.org.

Timeline (as of May 2020)

17 July 2020 Calling Notice for the General Assembly to  be sent including call for nominations General Secretary, Office
14 August 2020 AoA deadline for federations to submit new nominations (nomination form and supporting documents) Member Federations
28 August 2020 Final agenda for the General Assembly to be published/sent including list of nominations General Secretary, Office
25 September 2020 Registration deadline GA participants
23 October 2020 Management Committee meeting MC
24 October 2020 (*) General Assembly, election of the new UIAA President GA

(*) Confirmation of the date, format and location – owing to the Covid-19 pandemic – of the 2020 UIAA General Assembly will be confirmed in due course.

Further Reading
About the UIAA
Articles of Association

Main picture:
UIAA General Assembly, Cyprus (2019)