The programme has been finalised, and registration is now open, for the inaugural International Mountain Sports Training Course – Mountain Medicine, Techniques & Safety. The event will take place in Bariloche, Argentina from 19-21 April. The event is jointly organised by the UIAA (International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation), FASA (Federación Argentina de Ski Snowboard y Andinismo) and the ISMM (International Society for Mountain Medicine).
Topics covered during the three-day event include: the environment, climate change, dealing with the cold, altitude & sport climbing, mountaineers, women at altitude and mountain rescue in Argentina. The first half of the programme will be dedicated to talks, the second to a series of practical workshops and a rescue simulation.
Registration is open to anyone interested in the course programme. No professional medical or climbing background is needed. There are reserved quotas for FASA officials, club members and members of UIAA federations from Latin America. These will only be reserved until 22 March.

Programme: Details on the speakers and topics covered during the three-day programme can be found here. Please note that this programme may be subject to minor changes.
Please follow the pre-registration link
The absolute registration deadline is 10 April. The number of participants is capped at 80. The registration cost is USD 250. FASA member clubs and each Latin American national federation member of the UIAA have one place at a discounted price of USD 200.
- Included in that price are the registration fee, course material, beverages/snacks during coffee breaks, lunches on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, as well as the dinner on Saturday night
- Please note that a spot on the course is only guaranteed once the payment has been received
- In addition to talks and practical sessions from international experts, participants will receive an official UIAA-FASA-ISMM certificate of attendance
Course organising committee
Urs Hefti, UIAA MedCom President (chair); Martin Lascano, UIAA Executive Committee; Mijel Lotfi, UIAA MedCom, FASA representative and IFMGA Mountain Guide; Marcelo Parada, FASA Medical Director
Course venue (theory session)
Villa Huinid Pioneros Hotel, Av. de los Pioneros 2649, R8400 San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro, Argentina
- The journey to and from the above address must be organised and paid for individually. Options of using public transport, official transfers or private taxi/uber/remis.
- For those travelling from further away, please consider staying overnight and confirm through your registration whether you would like to stay at the official hotel or prefer to arrange your own accommodation.
- Note that the practical session will be at Cerro Catedral, and that transportation will be arranged only for those staying at the official hotel.
All registrants will be contacted in writing, after the submission of their pre-registration, to confirm their spot and participation. There are reserved quotas for FASA club members and members of UIAA federations from Latin America.
To view the Spanish version of this text please click here.
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